You Won’t Be There When It Ends by Nate Tower

August 2, 2012 Comments Off on You Won’t Be There When It Ends by Nate Tower

They say that no one really knows when the world will end. Many have their theories, but none are based on anything more than scattered logic and archaic science. They don’t even know how it will happen. Some say it will end with this, and others say with that. Even the poets and philosophers don’t know.

But know this: you won’t be there when it does.

It will be the most spectacular thing the world has ever known. It will happen at some point when everything worth thinking will have been thought and everything worth doing will have been done. It will be the last big hurrah, the party of the century, and everyone will want to be invited.

But you won’t be there.

It will be a most magnificent thing to behold, but you won’t behold it.

I wish you could, but you won’t.

© 2012 Nate Tower

Nathaniel Tower writes fiction, teaches English, and manages the online lit magazine Bartleby Snopes. His short fiction has appeared in over 100 online and print magazines and has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His story “The Oaten Hands” was named one of 190 notable stories by storySouth’s Million Writers Award in 2009. His first novel, A Reason To Kill, was released in July 2011 through MuseItUp Publishing. Visit him at 

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