Stranded By Regina Clarke

January 13, 2014 Comments Off on Stranded By Regina Clarke

It would come soon. It must. Until then, there was only the running, another zone, a landscape of black shadows and the silver, glinting light from a distant moon to show the way.

The silence. An absolute, existing now in the waiting. Thirst came at intervals, but to leave and enter the ravines for water would mean to miss seeing. That was impossible. The ship would come, but only if the waiting was held, if the watching continued.

No dreams or sleep. Wait for it.

Starlight. Streaking trails of nebula. How far? Light years.

It will come again. It must.

© 2013 Regina Clarke

Regina Clarke’s short fiction has been published at Subtle Fiction, Thrice Fiction, Kzine, Bewildering Stories, Liquid Imagination, and Over My Dead Body! She was a finalist in the Hollywood SCRIPTOID Screenwriter’s Challenge in the spring of 2012.

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